Have you been feeling stuck lately? Perhaps you’re not satisfied with where your acting career is right now. Maybe you’re all in your acting head, trying to anticipate casting’s needs or be “perfect”, that it’s affecting your performance. Or, nothing is wrong, per se, but you’re uninspired or feeling lost. Oh, I’ve been there, done that!
The good news is that it’s very common; everyone goes through periods where their energy is a little stagnant. Lalah Delia, spiritual writer and author, says, “feeling stuck in a vibration that doesn’t serve you happens for a reason.”
Instead of judging yourself or trying to push through the fog, here are 3 ways to invigorate your soul and gently guide yourself into a higher, more vibrant space as an actor.

Now, your first instinct may be to brush off your uneasy feelings and dive cold turkey into a ton of new activities to “shake things up”, but Delia recommends taking time to acknowledge where you’re at first.
Then you can begin nourishing your body and spirit, so that you vibrate at a higher frequency.
This process can include any activities that fill your heart with joy and get you excited about being alive, but here are simple tips to get out of your acting brain and shift from “meh” to marvelous!
Do a Mental Health Check-In
At the end of a busy day, quiet your thoughts by taking a relaxing break. Free writing is an excellent way to download any worries, doubts or uncomfortable feelings that may have come up on set or in an audition or class. This exercise can create some distance from negative thoughts and help you transition easier into a new phase of your day.
Gratitude journaling is another effective medicine for your heart and mind. Quite literally, in fact! Grateful actors have higher self-esteem, sleep better, and report fewer aches and pains. This leads to a more optimistic outlook on life and a longer one, at that!
Once you put down the pen, engage in some gentle activities to help you connect with your body. Massages and bubble baths are not indulgences, if they bring you back in touch with yourself. Meditation is another great way to decompress your mind from stress.
[Think you’re too busy to meditate? Think again. Here’s how to make time for this essential practice.]
I’d also suggest looking into adaptogens, which help protect your body from the toxic effects of stress. I have found adaptogenic herbs to be super healing for me. Click here to read my breakdown on which ones may be a good fit for you.
Nourish Your Physical Body
I love cooking a delicious, healthy homemade dinner and sharing it with a few close friends. Having a tactile and personal relationship with the food you put in your body imbues more meaning into the experience of eating. Plus, it’s another way I am taking excellent care of my acting instrument.
Instead of just shoving a few quick bites in your mouth on the way to work, develop this ritual to give your body what it craves.

In traditional Chinese medicine, each season of the year has a corresponding element, color, nature, organ, and emotion associated with it. Using these as a guide, you can detox your body of stagnant energy and improve your health.
As the shift from late summer to autumn occurs over the next month, you may begin to eat fewer cooling foods like salads, iced beverages, yogurt, and pressed juices. Move to foods with longer cooking times and heartier ingredients, like beans, root vegetables, mushrooms or brown rice, and moisturizing foods to offset the drier air.
And don’t forget your environment! I like to cleanse the energy in my space and spirit by saging my home. Click here to learn my whole process; it’s sure to leave the energy around you feeling clean and clear.

Shake Up Your Creative Spirit
As a creative person, I find it really uplifting to see other people’s beautiful work in person, so consider visiting a local museum or taking in a play or concert.
Like I’ve said before, it’s important to have a life outside of your career. Feed your curiosity by diving into a new hobby or subject completely unrelated to your acting work. A new challenge may be just what you need to get out of your own way.
Plus, I think nothing beats an afternoon in the sunshine, exploring nature. Even though acting is a physical art form, we sure spend a ton of time either in a car, on the phone, or in front of a computer.
So, get up, go outside and get your blood pumping! Nothing sparks inspiration like letting your mind wander on an adventure, without all those external notifications.

How do you get out of your own acting head? What activities move and uplift you? Let me know in the comments below, or take a picture and tag me on Instagram @moniquaplantewellnss!
LOVE + vibrational healing!

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