Put Some Passion in Your Posture

Health & Wellness

Hello my Fierce Friends! We’ve all seen the Beyoncé strut, right? It’s strong and confident. She knows the power of good posture, not just for your appearance but for your health and your career as well. Your body language conveys your confidence, works its magic on your mood and alters how others see you. So […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Hello my Fierce Friends!

We’ve all seen the Beyoncé strut, right? It’s strong and confident. She knows the power of good posture, not just for your appearance but for your health and your career as well. Your body language conveys your confidence, works its magic on your mood and alters how others see you. So it’s time to stand up straight and walk tall.

Perception accounts for a whole hell of a lot in life, especially in business. Have you ever seen someone walk into a room with their head down and their shoulders hunched over and thought they seemed weak or maybe a downer? But when someone walks by with their head up, shoulders back and a little swing in their hips, they automatically demand more attention. They seem open, more powerful and in control. That’s just more appealing, right?

And there are real health benefits to making changes in your posture too. Say buh-bye to back, neck and shoulder pain and hello to stronger abs, because standing tall helps strengthen your core muscles and burns up to 350 calories a day. Talk about a no-brainer weight loss tip!

It also reduces stress and opens your airways, so you can breath better. All that extra O2 increases concentration and thinking ability, which boosts your productivity. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy also found that open, expansive postures reflect high power both inside and out, while narrow, closed postures reflect low power. Point being, standing up straight may give you the brain jolt you need to feel and be more successful. Check out Amy’s full TED Talk on ‘Power Posing here.

This is my favorite part—correcting posture can automatically increase one’s confidence. Even a subtle shift in the way you enter a room can register with other people. To make an entrance as fabulous as you, here are some simple tips to improve your posture that don’t involve balancing a damn book on your head.

Upgrade your environment.

Get a good freakin’ chair! This is uber important. We’ve all heard the studies about how sitting all day is horrible for your body, but if you have to for work, a good chair with proper low back support can make a whole hell of a lot of difference for your tired muscles. And if you can’t make that big of a switch, buy a support cushion. Or sit on a stability ball! You can bounce and roll around a bit too, which let’s face it, is just more fun 😉

PS: Don’t forget your bedroom. It’s time to invest in an amazing mattress and pillow. There are orthopedic options out there that are still super sexy while saving you a pain in your neck.

Go on the defensive.

Identify the activities that promote bad posture like slouching at your computer, not enough light at your desk and watching TV while lying down. It’s so easy to zone out while surfing the web or binge watching Daredevil, so set yourself up for success. Put Post-It reminders on your computer screen, on your remote, on your Kindle.

Get techie with it.

If you’re into gadgets, there are tons of options available, like the cute LumoLift that gives you a gentle buzz whenever you start to slouch. Or try a five-minute stretch with the Sworkit app.

Start movin’.

Look into exercises that strengthen your core and back muscles like yoga and Pilates. Here are some easy moves you can try at home.

Stay mindful.

Start to notice how you plant your feet. They should be firmly on the ground when you are standing and sitting. This will naturally help keep your upper body straight. (And give your abs a mini-workout to boot!)

Here’s a quick exercise you can also try. Visualize a string or beam of light running through the centerline of your body connecting you to the earth and the sky. Focus on keeping your back straight and loosening your other muscles.

Have a healthy handshake too.

Don’t stop with just your posture. Handshakes are another huge signal to people. I have a strong handshake (not just strong for a woman, thank you very much) and people often comment on it. They don’t expect it, and they look at me more positively afterwards.

I have a similar reaction to people with a firm grip and, oh boy, the opposite reaction to those who don’t. When someone shakes my hand and their grip is limp, their status immediately drops a few notches in my book. This doesn’t mean you have to break an arm with your greeting, but I find having a good strong handshake commands respect, especially for women.

So start walking—and shaking—like the super-star you are! Your confidence will skyrocket. You’ll appear tall, lean, and more successful. And you never know what doors will open and what cool people you will attract into your life. But most importantly, you’ll feel more energetic, less stressed and just plain happier. All from standing strong on your own two feet.

LOVE + Passion,



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I'm Moniqua, your new let's-get-real friend.

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A Real Food Devotee + Self Care Connoisseur + Jedi Mindset Master dedicated to helping you elevate your health, your life—and your career.

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