Coconut Oil Uses: My Tips and Tricks

Health & Wellness

Coconut is one of the most versatile health foods on the planet, and I personally consider it a superfood. Now, while coconut oil is high in saturated fats, as long as you’re using it in moderation, you can still reap a ton of health benefits from it because there are so many other goodies hidden […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Coconut is one of the most versatile health foods on the planet, and I personally consider it a superfood. Now, while coconut oil is high in saturated fats, as long as you’re using it in moderation, you can still reap a ton of health benefits from it because there are so many other goodies hidden within. Here are all the coconut oil uses you could possibly dream of!

Too much saturated fat in your diet can spike your low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or LDL levels (the bad kind, think L for loser) and increases the risk of heart disease. But virgin coconut oil actually boosts your HDL levels (the good kind, our high-density hero). That’s because “50 percent of the fat content in coconut oil is a fat rarely found in nature called lauric acid,” a semi-wonder ingredient that slays viruses and bacteria like a true champion.

Coconut oil is also about 75% medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), unlike common vegetable oils. These easily digested enzymes head straight to your liver to turn into energy rather than fat, speeding up your metabolism and helping you lose weight. And they help monitor proper hormone production.

It can also balance your blood sugar. While this oil tastes rich, it actually doesn’t spike your insulin levels. If you struggle with candida overgrowth, switching to coconut oil is the way to go.

Here are four areas of your life where you can spread a little coconut (oil) love!

In Your Diet

I know, I know… Don’t we already use coconut oil while cooking?

Yes, but do you put it in your coffee?  When I need extra energy in the morning, I love a mug of bulletproof coffee (freshly brewed coffee, a spoonful of coconut oil and teaspoon of ghee, mixed in a blender). It’s so smooth and delicious, you won’t need to use any creamer.

And of course, it’s also a perfect alternative to vegetable oil or other unhealthy fats in baking recipes; it swaps in at a 1:1 ratio. Coat your non-stick pans with it too, instead of butter.

In Your Home

Seriously, coconut oil could easily elbow out 20 different household products off your pantry shelves.

Furniture polish? Check! Mix it with a little lemon juice and use it on wood pieces. You can wipe down your metal faucets with it straight up. And we can’t forget the shoes! You can use coconut oil to shine your loafers, fill in scuffs or bring life back to old leather bags.

Dust preventer? You bet!  Rub a thin layer of oil on your plastic, wood or metal surfaces to help repel dust, making future dusting a snap.

Natural WD-40? Jackpot!  Who else hates messing with that tiny spray tube on the toxic store-bought can? Instead, just grease the squeaky hinges with a little bit of melted coconut oil, and voila! Peace and quiet for zero extra dollars.  

It even removes rust and sticky residue from surfaces! #slayallday

But coconut oil is not all niceness—you can even use it as a weed killer. ????

In Your Body

Coconut oil has many medicinal uses, including a sore throat soother. Lozenges are typically made with a lot of artificial colors, flavors and straight up sugar to make their chemicals palatable. I use a teaspoon of coconut oil a couple times a day to help ease the pain of a rough throat and cough as a natural alternative. You can also combine it with a licorice root tea and a bit of honey to create an immunity-boosting elixir to combat colds.

We’ve previously talked about how it’s a potent disinfectant. If you practice oil pulling, an Ayurvedic dental technique, you can easily substitute coconut for sesame oil. If you’re prone to infections or sensitive gums, give this healthy alternative routine a try to basic mouthwash. Learn my oil pulling routine here.

On Your Bod

Coconut oil is a natural skin moisturizer and effective wrinkle reducer. Since it has antibacterial properties too, it can combat an acne breakout too. It absorbs quickly, and it’s not greasy. I like to apply it right after the shower to lock in the moisture. Just keep your jar at room temperature, or if it’s still solid, rub it in your hands first to warm it up. And as I mentioned a few weeks ago, I also use it on a cotton ball as a makeup remover.

You can also get crafty with it and make DIY versions of your favorite store-bought products, like shaving cream, lip balms, deodorant, hair conditioner mask, cream lotion, body scrub, massage oil and even lube. ????  Rub it into your cellulite with a little essential oil and then dry brush over the area for a at-home cellular detox.

So now that you know just how badass coconut oil is, which alternative use are you going to try first? Let me know in the comments below!

LOVE + an out-of-the-ordinary month!

Moniqua Plante


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