Springtime Rituals: 5 Ideas


Spring has long been associated with renewal and rebirth, so this month, I want to focus on ways you can bloom within with my list of Springtime rituals. It doesn’t have to be a super sudden and spectacular blooming either, like the poppy fields here in CA (seriously, check out the gorgeous pictures!). You’re not […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Spring has long been associated with renewal and rebirth, so this month, I want to focus on ways you can bloom within with my list of Springtime rituals.

It doesn’t have to be a super sudden and spectacular blooming either, like the poppy fields here in CA (seriously, check out the gorgeous pictures!). You’re not a firecracker, you’re a gorgeous sunrise. Just like nature slowly creeps her head out of her winter hibernation, you too can gently ease your body, mind and spirit back into the sunshine.

And sunshine there is, my friends, so let’s not put any of those 12 hours of light a day to waste!

Here are my Top 5 ways to awaken your body to Spring.

1) Give Your Gut A Good Scrub

If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile, you know I am a big fan of doing periodic cleanses to remove toxins from your body and reset your vital organs to something closer to your factory settings. 😉

All good health begins in your gut, so I recommend starting your day off with hot water and lemon. In addition to being a soothing morning ritual, the water will help hydrate your parched body, improve your blood flow and digestion, and give your brain the wake up call it truly wants (sorry, morning joe!). Lemon, an excellent source of Vitamin C, aids your immune system, improves your skin and supports weight loss. Together this is also gentle liver detoxifier too.

In the afternoon, turn to tea for a small caffeine boost that’s also loaded with health benefits. Green tea, in particular, is my favorite option, but you can also check out dandelion tea, which “boost[s] the toxin-clearing capabilities of the liver, your body’s detoxification organ, by 244 percent” (Cha-ching!).

I’ve spoken before about the catechins contained in green tea and its power-packed sister matcha, which “help quell inflammation, and that in turn may reduce plaque buildup inside arteries.” Plus, it also improves how your blood vessels handle stress and how your liver functions — both important parts of keeping your gut running smoothly.  And with half the caffeine of coffee, it gives you just enough of a boost to get you over the 3PM slump without keeping you up all night.

2) Become A Seasoned Chef

We’ll talk more about getting in the kitchen later this month, but as you’re syncing your body with nature’s cycles, why not sync your plate too? Start eating foods that are in season, like arugula, asparagus, beets, bok choy, mint, parsnips, snow and snap peas and strawberries, to name only a few. Spring’s bounty is at your fingertips! Click here to find out what foods are in season in your area. This is such a balanced edition to your Springtime rituals.

For protein, seek out Omega-3 rich foods like wild Alaskan salmon to boost your brain and heart health. And if you’ve never tried bone broth, add it to your Farmers Market shopping list. According to Vincent M. Pedre, M.D., bone broth soothes and supports your gut too: “The healing benefits of a bone broth are tremendous for the gut lining, reducing inflammation, balancing immune signaling, and infusing your body with enzyme-supporting minerals.” You can buy it pre-made from your local health food store, or make your own at home with his recipe (and there’s a vegetarian option too.)

3) Clear the Cobwebs in Your Brain

What better way to transition into springtime than with a little silence? After all, you don’t hear any noises coming from those flower buds opening up and stretching out! 😉

If you have been debating beginning a meditation practice, or you’ve let your practice slide lately, now is the perfect time to recommit. Meditation has been shown to help with a host of health issues from depression and anxiety, to pain and inflammation, to weight loss, to improving your relationships and emotional intelligence. By clearing out the clutter in your mind, you can also concentrate better at work and enjoy a more satisfying sleep at night.

If you’re not sure how to make time in your busy schedule for a little meditation moment, check out these tips. One of my favorite things to add to my Springtime rituals!

4) Enjoy the Sweet Sounds of Spring

When you’re finally ready to add some noise back in, try to keep the tech chatter to a minimum. Schedule phone-free breaks in your day, week and month, and just enjoy the sounds of the birds and the bees without your text messages dinging every other minute. Minimize the electronics in your bedroom, and shut them off at least 90 minutes before you head to bed, so the blue light doesn’t keep you awake. Finally, insist on dinners with your friends’ lovely faces rather than the back of their phones. 😉

If you have to use your phone for work, designate specific times of day when you will check and respond to work emails, and stick to them! If you’re just plain addicted to your phone, there are lots of great apps available now to minimize your phone usage or your access to social media. Here’s a list to start with; pick one and test it out! According to a study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, limiting your use of social media to just 30 minutes per day could significantly improve your psychological well-being, so start this season with Twitter-free time!

5) Get Your Brain Buzzing

Just like the Earth shakes off the winter, we usually shake out those linens and flip those mattresses this time of year. So why not give your creativity a little shuffle too. Awaken your artistic mind this mind by planning some game nights with your friends or signing up for a fun art or cooking class. Change your perspective (and take advantage of the beautiful weather) by doing yoga in the park or finding a hiking group. Spring is the perfect time for new beginnings, so strap on the Beginner’s Mindset and get spontaneous.

I’d love to hear which Springtime rituals you enjoy. Do you have any special rituals for this time of year to awaken your body and soul to the better weather? Let me know in the comments below or share a picture with me on Instagram. Be sure to tag @theplantelife.  


LOVE + clear skies!

Moniqua Plante

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