Self Care Strategies to Avoid Stressing Out!


Do all the Self Care Strategies out there stress you out? It wasn’t too long ago that the idea of self-care was a wild concept. Prioritizing your own needs above those of your family, relationship or job, even for a short while, seemed selfish or frivolous. Time is money, and spa days and therapists were […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Do all the Self Care Strategies out there stress you out?

It wasn’t too long ago that the idea of self-care was a wild concept. Prioritizing your own needs above those of your family, relationship or job, even for a short while, seemed selfish or frivolous. Time is money, and spa days and therapists were for the wealthy, not the average person.

Today, self-care strategies are all over the wellness arena and the world. Plus, it’s touted in every form you can think of — from quarterly cleanses, to daily meditation apps, to Groupons for “Buy 4, Get 1 Free” massage packages, even on television shows (Treat yo self!). We’re definitely spoiled for choice and more encouraged than ever to take a break when we need it. 

After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup, right?  

The problem with self-care being so popular is that we’re overwhelmed by messages that we need to be doing something more, something extra, to take care of ourselves and our health, when the whole point of self-care is to let go and focus on ONE thing – yourself. It’s easy to instead compare yourself to other women and feel guilty you’re not doing enough. Or worse, let our perfectionism put us in a state of paralysis when it comes to taking care of ourselves!

Well, that stops today, babe. 🙂

Read on to learn some simple reminders for the next time self-care strategies start stressing out!

First, let’s be real – we are already constantly bombarded by advertisements and information on our phones, the Internet and through the general connected-ness of everything now.

Do we need the incessant reminders to “just breathe”?

Is it really prudent to watch every personal development video YouTube suggests? Are you really reading and using all those self-care articles you’re pinning to your Pinterest board? Can you only feel relaxed in a bubble bath with the exact same candles and bath robe as some celebrity?

Information overload can turn self-care into something as mindless as endless scrolling if we’re not careful.

So I invite you to turn down the volume on all the voices telling you “do this, do that”, and tune in to this important message:

It’s OK if your self-care seems indulgent.

It’s OK if your self-care seems boring.

It’s OK if your self-care costs nothing.

It’s OK if you spend money (a little or a lot) on your self-care.

It’s OK if your self-care is spontaneous and on an as-needed basis.

It’s OK if you need your self-care routine every single day.

Self-care is about YOU.

It’s for you, by you, when you need it, and it should take the shape of whatever it is that feeds your body, mind and spirit. It doesn’t matter if that is reading a book at home (one of my faves, by the way) or heading out on the town. 

So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by what you’re reading or hearing, or you feel guilty that you’re not “doing all the things you should be”, remember that health and well-being is not one-size-fits-all. Find what works best for you, because your opinion is the one that matters most.

Have you experienced self-care stress? How did you handle it? Let me know in the comments below. 

PS: I’ve missed being in your inbox each week. I took a short break to host my first-ever Plante Life 5-day challenge, and it was ah-mazing! If you missed it this round, be sure to join my Badass Beauty Club to stay in the loop about the next one (and other fun + free events and videos).

LOVE + relaxation!


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© Moniqua Plante Wellness 2020