Happy Holidays my friend!
We’re still in the midst of the holiday season and travel is usually a big part of our holiday plans. Whether you’re heading out of town to visit family & friends, for a business trip or vacation with your other half, your healthy eating habits may take a nose-dive. Between fast food stops, huge restaurant meals, and a general “I’m-on-vacation-and I-can-eat-whatever” attitude, the result is often a belly bulge that lasts longer than your trip.
To help avoid coming back with a bit more baggage than you left with, check out this week’s #TPLTIPS and get my top four tips to help you triumph while you travel!
Here’s some of the items I mention in the video!
Amazing Grass Raw Reserve, Berry Flavor http://amzn.to/1jQvHta
Amazing Grass Green Superfoods Packets, Variety Pack http://amzn.to/1Z1jvWm
Amazing Grass Green Superfoods Packets, Chocolate Flavor http://amzn.to/1NIyXDg
Kale Chips http://amzn.to/1mcP41u
Mary’s Gone Crackers http://amzn.to/1OTI58Q
Herb Pharm valerian Root http://amzn.to/1RGLXe1
Blender Bottle http://amzn.to/1NXFeNa
Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Supplements http://amzn.to/1NkBT5h
LOVE + greens packets,

Great post. Really useful info! I’ll def try the green powder and kale chips. Thx!
So happy to hear Sarah!! The greens powder will be so perfect for you 🙂