Want to know alll my healthy ingredient substitutions for your next cooking sesh? Read on!
Last week, I showed you how I can transform any recipe into a healthier meal, by turning a traditional meat lasagna into a yummy zucchini variation filled with fresh vegetables. Well, as promised, it’s time to teach you how to do this for yourself, grasshopper.
Healthy Substitutions are Easy as Pie
Truth be told, it’s not as hard as you think. You just need to learn some easy healthy ingredient substitutions. You can apply these to common ingredients that aren’t so good for you, like loads of butter, sugar and white flour.
Add a little fresh, organic, and sugar or dairy-free magic in the mixture and voila! Any dish ends up better for your bod while still being delicious for your taste buds.
So, here are my 9 easy ingredient swaps to give any recipe a healthy makeover. Plus, as a bonus goodie, you can download the entire infographic here to keep handy when you’re cooking.
As you can see, so many common household foods, like avocados, coconut cream, bananas, and even APPLESAUCE can help us achieve our health goals! More obscure items like nutritional yeast and almond flour? Trust me and thank me later.
What’s your favorite food swap on the list? What substitution surprised you the most? Let me know in the comments below.
LOVE + food swapping’ magic!

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