Morning Ritual Ideas: My 5 Tips


Need some morning ritual ideas? Let me guess, you’ve rolled over in the morning to see your alarm clock blinking 8:40AM when you need to be at work by 9. You sprung out of bed, and somehow plopped down at your desk by 9:05AM, hoping no one noticed you’re late and wearing your blouse backwards. […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Need some morning ritual ideas? Let me guess, you’ve rolled over in the morning to see your alarm clock blinking 8:40AM when you need to be at work by 9. You sprung out of bed, and somehow plopped down at your desk by 9:05AM, hoping no one noticed you’re late and wearing your blouse backwards.

Talk about a shock to your system!

This used to be me, but then I took my morning into my own hands and created a simple ritual for myself that lets me glide into my work day without all the commotion.

Morning rituals are so important to leading a healthier, happier life because they set the stage for your entire day.

There’s no rocket science here, just a series of inspiring activities that keep you feeling focused, calm and ready to tackle whatever comes your way. By making the space for these actions, you’ll head into your day with such a different energy—no more feeling manic and high on caffeine.

I recommend this practice to all my private clients. The structure of your morning ritual is really up to you, but here are my Top 5 morning ritual ideas to help you get started creating a powerful and personal routine to turbo-charge your day.

1) Create a Supportive Schedule.

The key to a successful morning ritual is having enough time to actually use it, so make sure to hit the sack however earlier you need to make space in your schedule for this routine. There is no magic number for how long your morning ritual should be. Most of my clients take 15 minutes to 30 minutes, but I have one who even practices an hour because she can.

Ideally, you want to reserve at least 15 minutes, but choose whatever duration keeps you feeling stress-free, while still allowing you to enter your day with ease.

If you’re a mom with little early risers or work a job with crazy, non-traditional hours, I totally get how spending extra time in the morning can be tough to fit in. But you just gotta make it a priority. If you can’t fit a little self-care during the morning, where can you fit it in at all?

2) Reach for the Sky.

Even if you’re not an athlete, you’re not excluded from stretching! It’s important for everyone to ease their muscles into the day with some gentle movement. This activity can lead to better posture, fewer backaches and stronger brain power. A promotion at work as a result of morning stretching? Stranger things have happened!

Create your own routine of slow stretches or fluid yoga poses designed to warm up and energize up your body. I personally love Sun Salutations to acknowledge the positive light in the world in a joyful way, but here are some you could even do on your bed.

3) Sip a Little or a Latte!

You already know this about me. I love a warm beverage in the morning. Typically, I like to switch it up between warm water with lemon, Matcha tea, my Turmeric and Ginger latte (get the recipe here), and even bulletproof coffee. The menu is whatever makes me feel taken care of and connected. It’s a moment for me to savor the experience and bliss out for a bit.

4) Get a Little Introspective.

It’s important to set an intention at the start of your day and sit in the stillness of your thoughts. For me, I like to meditate, but you can accomplish this a number of other ways. Mantras are a great way to focus your energy. You can even create your own, even if it’s just “I’m going to have an awesome day today!”

Breathing exercises can help you clear your mind before things get busy; I’m a big fan of the 4-7-8 breath, which is also a wonderful tool for anxiety and insomnia. Or if you’re not a fan of sitting still, trying putting pen to paper. Journaling or starting a gratitude practice can have such a positive impact on your mental health.

5) Customize. Customize. Customize.

Your morning ritual is, first and foremost, YOUR self care time. I may sound like a broken record, but I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to be loving to your body and mind. And if you’re not enjoying the process, you won’t stick with it, which defeats the purpose.

So, if going to the gym in the early morning starts your day off right, do that. If it’s a yoga class, grab that mat. Think of the activities that consistently make you feel the most grounded and ready to take on the day. Take a walk. Listen to music or a podcast. Dance around your apartment. Make this time your own.

There is no wrong way to create a morning ritual!

I do however recommend avoiding cell phones, television or the Internet during this time, as you want to direct the focus of your ritual inward. That blue light in your face first thing in the morning is not setting you up for a calm transition to a happy day.

So now that you have some kickass morning ritual ideas, which will you choose? Do you already have a plan in place? Let me know how you supercharge your mornings in the comments below!



LOVE + rockin’ rituals,






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