Out with the Old, in with the New! Mindset Tools

Mindset + Motivation

Hello, my Plante Lifers! Now that you’ve learned how and why being a beginner is important to reaching your goals, I want to share with you some tools to help you better handle anything that comes your way while you’re growin’ and changin’. These practices will help you strengthen your soulful, spiritual side (whatever that […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Hello, my Plante Lifers!

Now that you’ve learned how and why being a beginner is important to reaching your goals, I want to share with you some tools to help you better handle anything that comes your way while you’re growin’ and changin’.

These practices will help you strengthen your soulful, spiritual side (whatever that means to you), and when you’re moving through the uncomfortable process of change, having a strong mind to back you up is a must.

That’s why we love high-performing athletes like Serena Williams or successful artists like Beyoncé and Meryl Streep. They seem so calm and confident with themselves and their talent, but that’s not an innate thing. It takes hard work and fortifying your mindset to embrace and adapt to any change you want to create in your life.

And you don’t need to be a famous superstar with an entourage of help to create lasting changes and success in your life. I’ve got my Top 5 mindset tools here to help uplevel your mental game and propel you faster toward your badass boss self.

1) Your Mental Block Brand.

Before you go ch-ch-cha-changing, it’s imperative that you identify what is holding you back. Yep, those stories, beliefs, fears and doubts that are keeping you from taking inspired action and living the kick-ass life you’re meant to live.

Do you think you’re not worthy of love?
Are you afraid of success?
Do you feel that you’re not good enough?
Are you afraid of being judged?
Do you feel you have to beat your head against the wall to get the things in life you desire?

We all have ‘em, so there is nothing to be ashamed of—and it’s pretty empowering to identify these mis-beliefs. You cannot change what you don’t acknowledge. It may take some time to identify these mis-beliefs, so be gentle with yourself and give yourself some time with this exercise.

2) Affirm What You Want to Create.

When the colonists wanted to create a new country, they sat down and put it in writing. You have to build a framework for your vision that exists somewhere other than your daydreams.
Here’s how: if you have a limiting belief that you don’t deserve success, you can create a new super empowering affirmation like, “Success comes easily, and I move gracefully with its ebbs and flows.”

Write your affirmation on a Post-It note and place it somewhere you can’t miss it—like on your bathroom mirror or the back of your front door. The deeper you can anchor yourself in this new belief, the quicker it will take hold in your mind and behaviors. Remember, a belief is only a thought you keep thinking, so what do you have to lose by thinking a better thought until you believe it?

3) Fantasize Your Own Fabulousness.

Create a vision board or make a mind movie (mindmovies.com is a super fun tool!) Spend your quiet time and meditations fantasizing in your own favor— not just thinking about what you’d like to create in your life, but really feeling the emotions involved in having it. You want to immerse yourself in the experience of having what it is you want to create, so whatever works best for you is right on track. And don’t be shy about using all of your senses!

4) Oh, What A Beautiful Morning!

If you know me, you know I love morning rituals. I firmly believe that how you begin your morning can affect your whole day. It’s so important to create a routine that uplifts and supports how you want your day to unfold. If you’re rushing around, with zero time to eat, stressed out driving to work, you know how this tune ends, with a bad case of crankiness!

If you need a tutorial, check out my blog on how to create a perfect morning ritual. You ultimately want a simple routine that helps you feel grounded and stress-free before the usual daily activity cranks up. I love to start my day with a morning meditation. Even if I can only find five minutes, it really does set me up to be more calm, focused and blissful throughout the day.

5) Take Inspired Action.

I’m not afraid to admit it, I constantly ask for guidance from the Universe—or my inner guide, guardian angels, God, the Source—whatever works for you!

When you seek guidance, keep yourself open to the signs, nudges, coincidences, serendipities, and brilliant ideas that pop up and flow into your thoughts. When you ask from an open heart, you can find direction for the next steps to take towards your goals. Be sure to give yourself time to actually hear the guidance. Meditate, quiet your mind, take a long bath, take a walk. The guidance will come.

If you’re not sure what to ask, I usually say something like this, ”Please put the next step in front of me that is most aligned with who I am and my path in a way that I can see it, understand it and have the courage and willingness to take action.”

Which one of these tools will you try this week? Share a pic of your progress on my Facebook Page or here in the comments!

LOVE + soulful success!


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I'm Moniqua, your new let's-get-real friend.

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A Real Food Devotee + Self Care Connoisseur + Jedi Mindset Master dedicated to helping you elevate your health, your life—and your career.

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