This week, we’re going to be talking about a different kind of movement- classic workout routines! Just like last month, I want to give you an overview of the different workout styles you can try out. Let me help you find your bootie-shapin’, mood-boosting favorites for a healthy summer.
There are SO many wonderful options, so to keep it simple, let’s start with the classics.
Cross Training
You may have seen the video earlier this year of Captain Marvel star Brie Larson pushing a massive Jeep uphill, all by herself. She wasn’t being a good samaritan though; it was her trainer’s ride and part of her cross training regime. Top athletes (and superheroes) training for their respective fields often introduce different forms of exercises, so they can create a more well-rounded workout and a healthier, stronger bod.
And you can too!
Think rope pulling, tire pushing, jumping jacks, weight lifting, stair climbing, crunches and rowing, all in one workout. Cross training is ideal if you get bored easily at the gym or you’re prone to injury, as you’ll cycle through activities and muscle groups to prevent strain or overuse.
To check out cross training near you, I recommend you start with a trainer to make sure you know how to use gym equipment correctly and have proper form while exercising, so you don’t hurt yourself. You can definitely find lots of cross training workouts online and at your local gym.
Boot Camp Style
Sometimes, workouts feel like punishment, but boot camp styled workouts are not all shouting and zero sympathy. They can be tons of fun! Especially when you’re competing against your classmates for bragging rights.
Boot camp workouts are typically a moderate to high-intensity mix of “aerobic, strength training and speed elements within each class session”. If you’re competitive, have a hard time staying on task when you go to the gym, or you want a trainer-designed workout without the steep expense, boot camps and team-based workouts may be a good fit for you. You don’t need any special equipment, just a good attitude and to love a challenge.
You can search online for local camps or round up some girlfriends and create your own with these tips.
The Barre Workout
There is nothing quite as timeless and elegant as ballet. The image of the ballerina — long, svelte, and poised — is etched into our collective societal subconscious. It’s that aspirational bod that packs barre classes around the world! But don’t let the fluffy tutus deceive you, ballerinas are in peak athletic shape and their tranquil looking workouts are no joke.
This traditional ballet-inspired workout promises to reshape your entire body through precise isometric exercises paired with stretching at a fast pace. So, you’re really working your muscles without it requiring a lot of movement, kinda like when you hold a plank pose. Your muscles are being used even if you’re still, and you’re using your own weight as resistance.
To get started, check out The Bar Method or Pure Barre.
Spin Class
If you’re a cardio fiend, look no further than this high-energy, high-volume classic workout. Cycling is a great activity to improve your blood flow, reduce your blood pressure, strengthen your core muscles, and burn off excess belly fat and weight. Even on a stationary bike, you can burn “upwards of 550 calories in an hour-long class”. Almost as much as a 15mph ride outside! Plus, with the music pumping and the positive camaraderie, you’ll start your day off with a big, sweaty smile!
Spin class is a good low-impact sport. It’s gentler on your hips, knees, and ankles than activities like running. Plus, under the guidance of an instructor, you’re still going to get a varied workout in terms of incline, resistance and pace. Best of all, spinning is super simple to do — no fancy training needed. I would say it’s as easy as riding a bike… 😉
To get started, check out SoulCycle, Flywheel, or your local YMCA.
The Classic 50-Minute Fitness Class
Even in 2019, when people think of the gym, they still envision the big, open room with one mirror wall, mats stacked in one corner, plastic steps in another. The traditional fitness class may seem passé, but it’s retro, baby! You can still get a good muscle-sculpting workout in at a low cost and within your lunch break.
Check out LesMills for BodySculpt or martial arts-inspired BodyCombat for core strengthening. Or finally give Zumba, the all-body dance workout, a try!
Which of these classic workout routines are your favorites? Let me know in the comments below!
LOVE + sweaty fun!

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