This year is obviously very different from what we’re used to, but I still intend to spend this Thanksgiving morning reflecting on all the things I am grateful for – family, friends, my health, my home, delicious food, technology that allows us to still laugh and share together, even when we’re far apart. And I’m grateful for YOU and the opportunity to help you love your body and your life.
I totally believe that Thanksgiving is the perfect day to take a little inventory of what’s really happening in your life – big things, ridiculous small things & lots of medium ones too – and practice an attitude of gratitude. Especially when things are tough.
In fact, I also take stock of the struggles, the things that didn’t come easy or the things that seemed negative or bad at the time – because by looking at both the good and not-so-good things together, I’m able to see how everything I’ve learned in 2020 was part of a much bigger plan.
There are a lot of lessons from this crazy year that I know I will take into the next, and frankly, the rest of my life. How could I not, right? So in honor of my Thanksgiving ritual, I want to share an updated list with a few of the most profound lessons I’ve learned recently – and my wish is that at least one thing you read will be exactly what you needed to hear today.
Love is literally the most important thing.
If I had to pick the single most profound lesson in this last year, this would be it. It’s been my number one for a while, and I still stand by it. What can you do today that spreads a little more love into the world right now? Even the smallest gesture could make the biggest difference in someone’s day or life. And by sharing the love in our hearts with others, we receive love back threefold.
Fear is a waste of your time.
It literally sucks the life right out of you. It is the vortex center of all things negative in this world. And I know it doesn’t feel like it at the moment, but the fear we feel isn’t even real most of the time. We start to apply it to all kinds of situations that aren’t life-threatening, like applying for a job, saying yes to a date, or trying a new class, and it prevents us from moving forward in our life. I love the saying, “Feel the fear, and do it anyways”. I’m still convinced that the more you push through fear, the happier, more successful, more brave and confident you will be. And the more amazing your life will be too.
Change is always a good thing.
It may not seem like it right now, but change actually means you are moving forward, and that is always the best route in my opinion. When I look back on the times that I felt the most paralyzed and scared of change – whether it was ending a relationship, leaving a bad work situation, moving to a new place, or starting a new business – those things have all ended up being the most rewarding and best choices I’ve made. So while it is hard to notice when you’re in the thick of it, the winds of change are bringing new opportunities your way as we speak.
Always listen to what your body is saying.
Your body does not make mistakes, and it is wiser than you will ever be. So listen up when it’s talking to you! Don’t rationalize or justify. If something feels off, or your body is struggling with illness, digestion problems, sleep problems – it’s time to pay attention.
The fastest way to bond with your bod is to start by eating real food. You’ll be amazed how much more in tune with your body you will feel in just a few weeks!
Stop hitting the snooze button on your health!
The time to take care of your health is now – I cannot think of a bigger lesson from this year! What daily or weekly actions will make the biggest difference in how you feel? Is it drinking enough water, eating greens with every meal, spending more time with your partner or kids, better sleep, time in nature? Whatever it is, start small, but start. It’s about progress, not perfection. You don’t need the gym to exercise, or new sheets to get enough sleep. Just get it going first, and then you can upgrade your plan and smooth out the wrinkles once you’ve established the healthy habits. 😉 And don’t forget to look into how can you automate these behaviors to help ensure you stay consistent, because consistency is the key to creating a bigger impact in your life.
Ask for help and more guidance when you need it.
If anything positive has come out of this year, it’s that more people have felt comfortable asking for help. The stigma of seeking expert guidance – whether that’s through a therapist, a spiritual or religious practice, or just a group of like-minded people – has been softened by the fact that we’re all collectively going through this pandemic.
And it’s about time too! Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of complete self care and self awareness. So, whatever it is that makes you feel connected, grounded and happy right now, seek it out without hesitation.
Surround yourself with people that inspire you.
While it’s difficult right now to connect in-person with your tribe, that doesn’t have to diminish your relationship. The best medicine for feeling stagnant, sad, or stuck is to interact with people who have positive energy and encourage and celebrate others. Focus on connecting with these people in your life right now, and let go of the relationships that do not serve you. Your energy is just too precious right now to spend on people who bring you down. Rich, supportive, inspiring friendships will allow you to be your best self and put amazing work out in the world.
And now, I would LOVE to hear from you! What’s on your list this year? Let me know by posting in The Badass Beauty Club on Facebook.
And as always, I am so grateful for you and this beautiful community we are creating. Be happy, be kind and most importantly, be thankful and thrive this Thanksgiving!
LOVE + gratitude,

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